Is your Palmetto Bay, Florida, home stuffy and uncomfortable during the winter months? You can do something about the stale air that can irritate you or trigger a family member’s asthma or allergy symptoms. Discover how increasing ventilation and maintaining a regular cleaning routine are some ways you can create more breathable indoor air this winter.

Keep Up With Your Cleaning Routine

Even though you may not welcome the same volume of guests into your home during the winter as you did during the holiday season, you still want to vacuum carpets, mop floors, and keep the vent coverings free of dust. Tackling areas where dust and dirt collect in your home can help you improve your home’s indoor air quality.

Increase Ventilation in Your Home

You may think your home’s ceiling fans should only be used during the summer. During the winter, however, they can facilitate the flow of heat and disperse humidity. To gain optimum operating efficiency and to maximize ventilation, make sure you set your ceiling fans to rotate clockwise. The updraft that is created pushes warm air, which generally rises to the ceiling, back down along the walls and toward the floor.

Use Houseplants to Filter Chemicals From the Air

Houseplants can do more than simply add touches of greenery to your indoor living spaces. Some types can actually filter harmful contaminants such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from indoor air. Some of the best plants include the aloe vera, the peace lily, the weeping fig, and the snake plant (also known as mother-in-law’s tongue).

Correct Humid Conditions in Your Home

Humid conditions inside your home can create the type of environment that promotes the development of biological growth. To correct problems with humidity, turn on exhaust fans in spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms. Make sure the clothes dryer vents direct warm, moist air from the appliance to the outside and not the inside of your home.

Turn to the professionals of RCI Air Conditioning Company for solutions to your indoor air quality problems. Call us today at (305) 396-3728.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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